Delivery times are displayed in real-time when you place your order and may vary depending on the product. Each item has its own unique production time, so make sure to check the product page for specific details.
Since our warehouse is located in the USA, most deliveries within the United States typically take between 2 to 5 business days. Deliveries to Canada, Australia and other countries may take a bit longer. Please visit the product page for more information.
At the moment, we do not ship to Europe, but we're excited to announce that we’re actively working on expanding our shipping options to EU countries. Stay tuned—it's coming soon!
We’re also planning to establish warehouses in Canada, Australia, and Europe to speed up delivery times. Big news is coming this summer, so keep your eyes peeled!
If you have already placed an order, you’ll receive a confirmation email immediately, followed by a second email containing tracking information once your package has shipped. Thank you for your patience as we work to bring your items to you!
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